Yes the world is changing but everyone has endless Possibilities-Solutions

Understanding your emotions is no longer good enough, when navigating from the Darkness toward the Light. Yes, more can always be done, but you have done all that you can as we are all finding our way.
This interactive journal experience is perfect for those needing answers during uncertainty, confusion, sadness, depression or the feeling of future anxiety!
So! What do you do,
when no one really knows what to do?
Knowing the world’s evolving so quickly, no one can keep up with ALL of the changes continuously happening. Or can you?
The realm of our imagination allows us to catch up with the new, different, next, up-and-coming, and everything else, while still staying grounded in reality. As the world changes, everyone is still able to link up to their endless positive possibilities through our creativity. We ALL have an imagination to create our reality. What reality do you believe in? This book is dedicated to all those that are seeking the truth, searching for answers, looking for a better tomorrow. Remember seek and you will find! Allow God to inspire you as you read! While you are reading and finishing this book a special blessing is coming as Prayer Warriors have united to pray for you!
This Prelude is not to be skipped!
You can start the Interactive section after listening.
Lets Begin
This is the start of the Novel Journal Series. Knowing what you know from the prelude, it is easy to understand the need for help--Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Lets Begin
We are all trying to live and do well. Now we are all trying to get things accomplished but how we deal with the low matters.
Lets Begin
There is so much trying to control us, it is hard to know what to do. So what do you do when no one really knows what to do? You can at least start here!
Lets Begin
Seriously! To be able to feel my kind of normal again has been a gift that I appreciate so much. As a mom I am so overwhelmed with everything! I listened to parts of the book and decided I would try this journey for a stay out home experience and it worked! I now find myself uplifted.
This book is soooooooooooo helpful! So much has been happening in my life, it is good to know that I am not alone! I can share my views and enjoy a relaxing time pouring over my own journey instead of everyone elses! I am stuck at home most of the time which I always wanted, but be careful what you wish for, cause now I got it and I feel the same stress I did when I had to leave for work. I guess work is work no matter where it is and the stress, anxiety and depression of it all stays with you even if your in the bed typing ;) At least now I have a way of getting away while reading and writing so when the kids don't do their work I can also ditch and do something for myself too!
-Lonely but Not Alone
I can see the beauty in Sister Kelly's WISE words! I never thought of things this way. Now that I think about it, I do not know why I did not see things this way or in this simple manner before. Living knowing that I am not alone, abandoned, abused or unloved matters--it really matters! These words are making me reflect on my life and I feel like hope is growing roots that will not just fade away., and I needed that! I agree with Sister Kelly! The way she sees things and how she describes the world is the right way. Can I join this Friday group!! lol
-Candy T
I was able to read my pre-release book so many times now! Every single time I go through the book I learn something new about myself or reminded on something I wanted to do. I love this book! Especially now that there is an interactive page!
Star Rating: 5
‘A superbly written Christian novel with a strong message of how important God can be in helping us to weather the ups and downs of life. Highly recommended!’ The Wishing Shelf
Complete Review
I thoroughly enjoyed this Christian novel by Tricia Renée. Not only is the plot well-crafted and the characters, particularly Teri and Sister Kelly, developed and interesting, it is thought-provoking and relevant in a world where life has so many ups and downs and we often don't know where to turn.
So, what's the story? Well, in a nutshell, the story follows a young woman named Teri who's battling to juggle her complex life of work, motherhood and impending divorce. Teri’s life is like a can of water sitting on a hob. Soon, you know everything's going to bubble over! And, indeed, this is what happens. But, when she begins to crumble under the pressure, she turns to Sister Kelly who, with a little empathy and a lot of understanding, helps her to refocus her energy and to battle on.
In terms of writing style, this novel is spot on. There's plenty of pace, but the author allows the story to progress naturally. She keeps the focus on the central character and how important it is for that character to involve God in her life. I also liked how the author placed an ‘interactive’ page at the end of every chapter, thus giving the reader room to develop a better understanding of what they read and/or how they feel.
I would happily recommend this novel to anybody who is strongly Christian or who has an interest in the Christian faith. Also, anybody who enjoys following a strong, character-led story will find this of interest. I've enjoyed a number of Christian novels over the years, and I find they tend to focus on the Christian message. This novel is a little different for not only is it superbly written, the author also offers the reader a complex and interesting character who, I suspect, many women will relate to. And that is its strength.
A ‘Wishing Shelf’ Book Review
Sometimes you just have to get your views out! Make these creative spaces your own.
Just remember that this is your space to explore your thoughts and feelings from the pages before or after. Please use these wonderful spaces to create room for your views, suggestions, and comments within this journey. You matter! What you are going through matters! Most importantly, your entire life matters to God! Fill your personal space with you and your experiences. Allow this self-help journey to propel you to where you want to be. When you are feeling a certain way, express it in these pages. Indulge in an ultimate book club experience to transform your life into your greatest adventure!
Let’s talk and discuss how you are feeling!
This story is about an ordinary life…
Well, actually, this journey is about an ordinary life with all of the twists, turns, problems, concerns, climaxes, and undesirable mistakes that normally comes with it. Life gives everyone some things worth discussing and plenty of things marked for deletion—wishing to be forgotten. Either way, life continues to go on with or without our permission. But with time and the choosing of specific decisions, the average life can be changed into the extraordinary!
Imagination! Imagination makes the heart grow stronger!
Imagine that you are a woman, a hardworking, “trying your best,” good, and decent woman. Maybe not the best woman who lives error-free, but a good woman nonetheless. You have or at least have had beautiful hopes and dreams for yourself. Remember how you were going to make a difference in this world? You were going to do something so great that you would be praised, recognized, and remembered. And maybe, just maybe, even paid a ridiculously high amount for it, just by being yourself! Of course, you were going to make a difference in others’ lives, including your family, friends, and children. Your dreams were high since you would be different. Yeah, somehow you would be different. Well, at least that is what you thought and just believed.
But life—yes, life—has other plans.
Life—the distant cousin of the devil has been out to destroy you and your thoughts of being better and different since the day you were born. Actually, it starts even before you are born as your mother decides if your life is worth it or not.
Oh, the choices that have been made.
Well, if you do succeed in being here, then your future is already decided. Even before you can walk and talk, society predetermines your life: Choosing your favorite color—pink. What outfit you must wear often—dresses! Countless choices have been made for you as you are separated from the boys with endless boundaries…and these limits start early and never stop!
It begins by establishing rules that you will try to follow, but of course, instead of following, you just end up constantly fighting over children, housekeeping, cooking, desired futures, money, weight…
Since we are speaking about weight, how can all women be healthy and petite or at least smaller than all of the guys we come into contact with? This is a ridiculous challenge! Especially since as most girls mature and go into puberty, our bodies usually are lovers—or should I say hoarders—of fat, while the boys, on the other hand, are usually skinnier and leaner. And if that is not enough, everything is so subjective! The desirability of your curves, shape, and distinguished looks depends on the eyes of the beholder. Therefore, no matter how you change your original looks, you never know who really likes you and for what reason.
While you are still young, you learn that you are just as strong if not stronger than your male counterparts. However, this great power is short-lived as one day, you then find out that you are now weaker than you think. Yes, the gaining and losing of power can be a hard blow. For the rest of our lives, we have to deal with this subconsciously, or in some cases, very consciously. What a confusing power struggle.
The rules say you must be strong but not too strong. The unspoken rules also say you have to be weak but not too weak. This balance of strength is so delicate that again, it is in the eyes of the beholder, which forces many power struggles that are excruciatingly hard to equal out. No matter the outcome you assert yourself, he’s equal in your mind. Oh, but your body language expresses it differently as you try to survive it all and begin the process of trying to attract the opposite sex. Many life-regretting moments are made during these times!
Then you get older, and naturally, you crave the serenity and joys of security and love… Well, at least the picture of special love that you personally have in your mind. Of course, your male counterparts are usually being driven by other life forces, thriving to fulfill their own lusts. Wait! Did I say lust? I apologize, I meant to say “love”—their own special kind of love.
Now when they say love, they might not be defining it the same way you do. Their love usually has more undressed physical contact attached to it while yours usually has more hugs, snuggles, and an endless supply of romance.
Life has made sure that the various understanding and belief systems surrounding the four-letter word of love and its loveliness can be destructively different, making for yet another very interesting and constant battle of the sexes. Whoa! Now, did I say sex? Well, maybe I should say the battle of the definition and actions of love. Nonetheless, you try to mend your definitions and make it work anyway.
While you are young, even if you just want to be married, if you match up with guys too early or, heaven-forbid, that you become pregnant or happen to like too many of the boys, you are then negatively labeled. However, if you try not to compromise and wait, maybe get a higher education or concentrate on your career or job, then one day, you will be questioned on whether you even like men.
While others, like your parents or their friends, will wonder if you’ll ever find a man. This negative label can be especially focused on if you are too successful or concentrating too hard on other things. Women who are fortunate—or should I say, unfortunately, too successful—are put into yet another class. You know, the type of women who can rarely (and when I say the word rarely, that is putting it kindly) find a man that is not moved by her success.
The swinging pendulum hits a negative tone, no matter the direction that it swings. The stigmatism over relationships tend to follow you, no matter what path you choose or are on.
Either way, life has a way of making sure society is always at odds with you, and who can really fight against that?
Well, I did (as I’m sure many of you have as well). I did try to fight life, and it ended my marriage. I was humbled by the loaded weight and wrath of life. But I did learn that it does not matter if you try to fight it or go along with it; you will still be judged, and inevitably, you will lose! Even if you blaze a new path, that journey will cross an old established path that will inevitably choke you. I know that this may sound bitter, but as a wise person use to say, “Life is tough! There are a few sparks of happiness along the way, and then you die!” That wise person was me, but don’t worry!
Wise people also know that there are also included moments in life that are so spectacular that you will be willing to trample through all hardships just to experience them. Those life journeys are worth the waiting, desiring, and low points because you become more than you imagine! During low times, it is easy to use your imagination to automatically fuel fears, hurts, and pains, making yourself depressed, anxious, and nervous as you brace yourself for the worst outcomes. Yes, it happens. But just like any pendulum, remember to also swing your creativity in the other direction. Give your imagination the opportunity to foster hope and faith. Allow yourself a chance to believe in ways that push your imagination into creating truth and life. Have room for grace to light up an imagination that changes lives and realities.
Only you can reimagine your new life’s reality.
Email to provide your personal testimonies
Sometimes the heaviness of the demands in your life forces you to feel the full weight of every responsibility. As you quote the actual Psalms 23, think of things this way! PSALMS 23 for the year 2021!!
Remember Psalms 23 starts with "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want." (KJV)
My God is my industry leader I shall not want.
He makes sure that my comfort is a top priority including making sure my resting spot is where my provisions are; gently and carefully taking my hand, He leads me safely where my thirsts are quenched.
He restores who I am outside of work; He creates rules and regulations that benefit me and allows me to know He is with me so I am not alone since we are in this together.
Yes! work is unbelievably challenging as I see others fail, yet I do not have to concern myself with their loss; My industry leader is setting me up for success; His protections and staff are always supporting me.
He makes sure I receive awards and rewards in front of my enemies despite their many tactics; I am given special benefits that help me succeed; my capacity to accept my God's goodness positively challenges me as I receive more than I think I can handle.
Definitely, promotions and goodness shall always be with me and follow me all the days of my life: and I will continue to be provided for as I stay in this industry with my exceptional industry leader which includes perks and my pension throughout retirement.
God offers hope, mercy, goodness, truth and life, even when
we acknowledge feeling the strength of the impossible.
“God, You are the creator of all, and I am honored to be in an intimate, personal relationship with You. God, I recognize You as God and also as my heavenly father. You are my true nutrients. This represents Your body which is broken for us. You were broken so I would not have to be. I am healed. I am whole. I am complete in the fullness of peace, harmony, and prosperity. No weapon formed against me will prosper. Matter of fact, this is not the season for anything negative to even form. There is a hedge of protection around me. Things and people will bend favorable to me.
“God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Voice of God, Word of God, You are graciously and humbly welcomed into my life. I give You full access to be 100 percent active and to participate in my life. You are the possessor of heaven and earth, and I am Your inheritor. Inheritance manifests Yourself daily—moment by moment. God, You created the universe. Actually, You created everything, including what I love and adore. Therefore, I thank You for those moments, experiences, things, and people. I trust You and Your will. Despite everything Your goodness toward me is evident and I thank You. Your will be done in my life, even above my own will. In Your divine wisdom, You even created a special relationship between Us. I cannot thank You enough for creating Jesus! I need You, Jesus, in my life always. Now unto the God, eternal, immortal, invisible, be honor and glory forever and ever. In the name of Jesus.”
“God, this represents Your blood, which was shed for me for the remission of my sins. There is life in the blood. Your life was cut short so mine doesn’t have to be. I accept Your redemption of me. I am healed. I am whole. I am full of peace and completeness. I am an eternal being, please teach me how to be an eternal being. Teach me my eternal purpose. Wisdom, befriend me. Be with me in all of my decision making. My sins have been removed, and now I’m in a new covenant with You, God. As a new creation, I do this in remembrance of You. I remember…”
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